Each of these dreams, I’ve found, comes to respond to particular, specific challenges or opportunities. This dream, the bear dream, always visits when I’m on the brink of something life-changing, some potential large-scale success. Though it’s a dream full of good omens, I find myself watching the joyous victory dance through a window that separates me from it. Watching rather than being watched. Protecting myself, my life as I know it.And now I tag my brother to continue the story.
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
The Round Robin. Finally.
This is my contribution to the Round Robin writing challenge posed by my friend Gryphon. The idea is to link, blog-to-blog, a story together by having each blogger add one paragraph at a time. To begin the story, click here. From there, follow the link to my mother's blog (or click here) and then the link from hers to mine. My paragraph follows:
Bravo. Took you long enough, but it was good. Now let's see if the male portion of the family also has the talent.
Oh, the males in our family are immensely talented... they just can't spell. Poor Jake got the "can't spell" gene from his father, by the way. It's a gene carried on the Y chromosome, apparently. :)
That's a valid theory. My grades in college went WAY up after I got my computer and spell-check. Before that, I had an old dictionary and a lifetime supply of those little white tabs you stuck in your typewriter and typed over to correct stuff.
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