Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Everyone's a Critic

Here's a small sample of the reviews from Anton. There is no dearth of critics in San Diego, let me tell you!

  1. The other standout performance is by Kelly Lapczynski (in the article, my picture is inset), a Nashville native and new San Diegan, who absolutely nails all the male characters she plays. She’s excellent in the small role of an obnoxious donor, and outstanding as two directors – an insufferable Brit and a disconcerted Russian. -- Pat Launer, Curtain Calls, KPBS
  2. Hilariously in drag, the phenomenally low-voiced Kelly Lapczynski — a terrific find — portrays the Chekhov play’s two directors, first a pretentious Brit that Holly fires, and second, a serious director whose vision is dashed by the three motley actors. -- Charlene Baldridge, La Jolla Village News
  3. Kelly Lapczynski does some standout work in many of her assigned roles, most especially, as the British director. -- Cuauhtemoc Kish, San Diego Theatre Scene
  4. Kelly Lapczynski is surprisingly natural as a trio of believable male characters: Ralph, the insufferable British director; Wikewitch, the intense/brooding Polish director; and Joe Bob, the cowboy board president who doesn't give a sniff about theatre. -- Pam Kragen, North County Times
  5. The imposing Kelly Lapczynski never manages to get out of trousers as a couple of pompous European directors. -- Frankie Moran,
  6. This is a theatre-goers must-see, for while it is a comedy, it speaks many truths. -- Robert Hitchcox, multiple outlets
  7. 6th @ Penn has picked a good script and done it justice, creating a production that everyone who loves theatre — especially small-scale independent theatre — should see. -- Mark Gabrish Conlan, Zenger’s Newsmagazine
  8. Anton in Show Business is a romp, good for an evening of giggles in the theater. -- Jean Lowerison, San Diego Gay and Lesbian Times
  9. When they don't fuse with Chekhov's sisters, the characters are cardboard. It's a tribute to the 6th@Penn cast that they have some dimensions. -- Jeff Smith, San Diego Reader
Nine reviewers! And this without comment from the Union Tribune.