Saturday, October 06, 2007

You Suspected I Was Brain Damaged

So my doctor calls me yesterday and tells me that this oral "squeaking" I've been complaining about for more than a year may be a side effect of my antidepressants and, now that he's done a little more research into it, he's concerned. He's referring me to a psychiatrist/neurologist for further evaluation.

He listed a number of "isms" and "syndromes" that I might be developing, but the one which hit the nail squarely on the head was "Buccoglossal Syndrome" -- a variant of the Tardive Dyskinesia I'd already suspected. Listed as one of the rare (under 1%) neurological side effects of the drug, it may be to blame for what I like to call my RLS: Restless Lips Syndrome.
Buccoglossal syndrome (another term for Tardive Diskinesia, an incurable disease which causes uncontrolled movements of the body)
From what little I can glean from the internet, the oral corea is, fortunately, the least debilitating form of TD. Though I have run across questions and concerns for the progression of the disease as it may interfere with eating and speaking, delving too far into that research is rather putting the cart before the horse until I've seen the neurologist.

I am slowly tapering off of the antidepressants (the causative drug) in the hope that the symptoms may be remitting rather than persistent. For those of you who have not witnessed my "squeaking," it could be described as something between Parkinson's and Tourettes: an involuntary facial tic I have difficulty not doing which results in sucking noises which are very annoying.

Ah well. At least I can use this to my advantage the next time I want to mouth off. Can't help it: brain damage!


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