Friday, July 13, 2007


It is a rare thing for me to eat a BLT. A very rare thing. Because, you see, when I think of bacon, lettuce, and tomatoes I am thinking of three things I don't particularly like. Add mayonnaise to that equation, and this little mental sandwich has "yuck" written all it. And yet whenever I DO eat a BLT I discover anew something completely bewildering: a "yum" where the "yuck" should be. What is it about that makes a tasty BLT so much greater than the sum of its parts?

Could it be the toast?

Toast.... It reminds me of

Can you believe I had to create a MySpace account (God help me!) to steal that little flyer there from theirs? What's the internet coming to?

These guys perform on the same nights of the AASD Festival as one of the pieces I'm in. Funny, funny stuff.

Including a love letter to toast.

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