Tuesday, August 15, 2006


It's a dark, overcast morning in San Diego. Anywhere else, I'd expect it to rain; but after a run of exceptionally hot weather, I'm happy just to get a break from the sun. In memory of sunnier (and cooler!) days, enjoy a few shots from area beaches.

The Arches of Imperial Beach


Moonlight Beach

P.S. Happy Birthday, Jake!


jake said...

It is my birthday, and thank you.

Today in TN... blue skies and 92 degrees.

Overcast? Is that what happens to over-exhuberant fisherman?

Kate said...

Sure... you go to all these beaches without me, but when I am there... wench!

Kel said...

Ahem! And where exactly did we eat sandwiches and examine sand creatures? Oh yes... that's right... Moonlight Beach! Wench.

jake said...

wench... isn't that something used to pull vehicles stuck in the sand out?