Thursday, March 23, 2006

Stage Name Revealed?

The president of the theatre company I am currently working for forwarded me a brief personality test, not knowing my weakness for such tests. It was a mass mailing; she had no clue who would respond, or that I would immediately jump on the thing.

The question to be answered was "which movie star are you?" After answering a mere 10 questions, my personality would be compared to those of the stars "researchers" had painstakingly analyzed. In the end, I would be compared to one of six stars: Madonna (wild and crazy but in control of her own life), Doris Day (fun, friendly, and popular: a real crowd pleaser), Debbie Reynolds (the cute, witty best friend that no one risks losing), Grace Kelly (a lover with passion and commitment), Katherine Hepburn (a real thinker who doesn't take crap from anyone), or Elizabeth Taylor (who knows what she wants and how to get it -- or him).

I couldn't resist. And -- no surprise to anyone, I'm sure -- I came out as the commitment-minded Grace Kelly.

Of course, just whent the stage name "Kelly Grace" started to sound good, the test came along and asked me the same question. And who did I turn out to be this time?

According to the Which Movie Star Are You Like? quiz, you're:

George Clooney

Everyone loves you, and you're only getting better (and better-looking!) with age. You're a generous, loyal and fun-loving friend, and you also seem to really care about your politics, consistently putting yourself on the line for your beliefs. We wish there were more of you out there.

Take this quiz at

Well, aren't I dashing! Maybe I should ditch the "Kelly Grace" idea and go with "Kelly Clooney."

On second thought, no. It just reeks of Rosie O'Donnell lusting after Tom Cruise. Which reeks a little of TV's Jack McFarland lusting after Cher, now that I think about it. Which brings me back to "Grace" -- sans "Will."

"Kelly Grace." I like it. I'm drawn to broad farces, so a name like "Grace" serves up just the right amount of irony.

Whattaya wanna bet it's been done?

If you're a sucker for these darned things too, I found a link to the first test online.


Kate said...

How about Kelly George? Or Kelly Kelly? Or Kelly Beth Kelly... you know, kinda in the tradition of Ford Maddox Ford and Major Major Major.

Fearless Leader said...

But ...

I don't wanna be Matt Damon!

Kate said...

I don't want to be Matt Damon, either! There is something wrong with this test... I am Matt Damon and my daughter is George Clooney! Madness!

Gryphon said...

Look at it this way. You're 9 stars away from re-making Oceans 11.

Course, you're also one Affleck away from making Good Will Hunting too... Just saying....

Kel said...

Madness? Thanks. Ooh, the love.

Kate said...

How can either one of us be GUYS, Kel?