Thursday, December 22, 2005

I Want My Mouse Back!!!

Okay... here's how I hate the new Dell.

I'd just written a lenghty post, a brilliant allegorical piece of wit and wisdom. Hey, you'll never get to read it now; prove me wrong. It was brilliant, I tell you, brilliant! BUT... the stupid laptop has an ultra-sensitive thumbpad, and I must have -- oh, I don't know -- fluttered somewhere above it. My page, and a couple hours writing, were lost to a sudden attack of unchosen web surfing. Blast you, Dell thumbpad!

This is where we growl. Loudly. GRRRRR!


Kate said...

Jeez, just buy yourself a wireless mouse and get over it. I never used the built in mouse in my lap top, and Dad doesn't use his, either. They are hideous. We'll see what we can do when you come for Christmas, but I agree with you - those mouse pads suck.

Kel said...

While I'd love to have a wireless mouse -- eeee --- that's not the problem. I WASN'T using it. I was just suddenly redirected. Perhaps my thumb strayed. I don't know. But the thing is RIGHT THERE, literally under my thumb. Grrr.